Art is life. I lead a full artistic life, engaging in artistry as a creator and witness.

Currently my art is in wood. My wife and I need good furniture, and I can make much better furniture than what I can buy. My latest project was an Oseberg style bed which will eventually be camp furniture, but right now it is holding up the mattress we just bought.

I have this fantasy woodworking shop in my head. It's got nice raised wood floors for dust control ductwork and on the fly wiring, plenty of light, good ventilation, is wired for any tool I want (inculding 3 phase 440), a nice audio system, a drafting table... But after I wake up to do the woodworking, I do it here.

For those of you who are curious, and esecially for those of you who gave Kym and I Home Depot gift certificates, I've started a gallery of my current work, both complete and in progress.

Copyright 2001 Sean Slattery All rights reserved. If you steal this stuff you must be in serious need of a life. Go get one. Compliments accepted gracefully, suggestions tolerated, complainers should just be quiet.